Employment Discrimination – Race, Gender, Pregnancy, Religion Discrimination
When you start working for a company, you expect that you’ll be treated fairly. You don’t expect to have your employer treat you differently because of the color of your skin, or because of your gender, or because of your religion. Nowadays, most employers are pretty good about treating employees equally regardless of these things.
However, there are still occasions where an employer makes bad decisions on the basis of a classification that the United States government says is protected. When that happens, all sorts of deadlines and time limits start to run.
When you’ve experienced illegal employment discrimination, you need a lawyer who is experienced in helping employees address that discrimination. You need Dan Slater.
Dan can work with you in making your initial claim with the EEOC or the Colorado Civil Rights Division, and once you receive a “right to sue” letter, he can spearhead litigation in Federal Court to address your problems. So if you feel you’ve experienced discrimination – demotions, lack of promotions, issues in hiring, or loss of employment – because of any of the following, call Dan’s office at 719-269-3315 today, or send us an e-mail with the details.
Sexual Orientation
Age (over 35)
National Origin