Hit and Run Collisions
Getting in any automobile collision can be a frightening and traumatic experience. When the person who hit you speeds off without concern for you, your injuries, or the law, a traumatic experience opens into a new emotion: anger.
Too often, though, these kind of collisions lead to a bitter realization: the hit and run driver has left you, the victim, holding the bag. All of a sudden, you have to worry about fighting with your insurance instead of fighting with somebody else’s insurance. The insurance company to whom you’ve been faithfully paying premiums for years, maybe even decades, suddenly treats you like you’re at fault for the car crash.
When you are in a situation like this, you need a lawyer who has experience dealing with hit and run drivers. Dan Slater will meet with you personally and take the legal burdens off of your shoulders. He’ll work with law enforcement to ensure that everything is being done to bring the at-fault driver to justice. Just as important, he’ll fight with the insurance companies to make sure that you’re treated fairly and with the respect you deserve, without an increase in your insurance premiums.
As soon as an insurance company hears you’ve been involved in a hit-and-run accident, they call their team of lawyers. You need to be sure that you’ve got your own lawyer watching out for you.
In other words, you need to call Dan Slater.
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